Welcome to Phantomime
Created by illustraice, Phantomime is a mixed media Instagram series based on Danny Phantom
What is Phantomime?Phantomime is a mixed multi-media work created by illustraice, following 17-year old Danny Fenton and the mystery of Casper High’s newest trend; Locker 666 and Casper Hi-Lites. It is exclusively released on Instagram; @illustraice. It is part of a lineup of multi-media series released, being the sixth in the line.Is it a comic?Phantomime is a unique mixed media storyline. It is not presented traditionally as a comic or a fully written work but as a storyline that features both writing and art. This includes newspapers, websites with passwords and more.What is Locker 666?locker 666 is the source of Casper Hi-Lites, a mysterious student (?) run newspaper in Casper High. It is where the newspaper is collected. Locker 666 can be unlocked through passcodes but be warned! It can change from time to time. Nobody knows who runs the locker.Do any of Locker 666's passcodes ever get revealed?Nope. None of the passcodes become publically available unless you are pledged to my Patreon where all my site passwords are told. However, Locker 666 does occasionally have limited time slots where it is unlocked and can be entered with no passcodes. These time slots are randomised; there is no specific pattern on when they happen. They are announced through my Instagram story.The timeslots last for only a specific amount of time and you are lucky to be able to enter without having to decode! However, be aware that the passcode will change. The biggest disadvantage to entering without any passcodes is that the less you have decoded previous passcodes, the harder it will be to decode new ones.How do you make any of this?Sheer will.
Ice, better known as illustraice, is a 20-year-old Filipino peach iced devotee & freelance illustrator based in Australia.She thoroughly enjoys the song 'A Sunday Kind of Love' by Etta James and taking her coffee with two sugars*.When she's not comitting pasta related crime, she draws and create new takes on her favourite childhood movies.
*sometimes, i like to add a bit of milo in it.
Fenton says Haunting is ‘Justified’
'The ghost clearly cares for Gender Neutral Toilets’
The latest haunting of the Teacher’s Lounge Coffee machine, the seventh haunting this school year so far, succeeding last month’s Haunting of The Air Conditioner, Haunting of the P.E Dodgeball, Haunting of the Physics Test and last’s week’s Haunting of the Boys’ Locker Room.Students have speculated that the Teacher’s Coffee Machine is clearly a ghostly message in support of this year’s long running battle for Casper High’s long awaited gender neutral bathrooms.Former student council president, Jasmine ‘Jazz’ Fenton contends the ghost is ‘justified’ in the haunting; “I mean, I think it’s justified. Ghosts clearly care about the gender neutral toilets and if haunting this Teacher’s Lounge coffee machine—which is what? An unneccesarry amount of dollars?—gets the point across, it’s totally cool.”In a recent survey amongst the student body, results showed that 96% of students ‘believed in ghosts and/or paranormal activity’, 71% felt they had ‘seen and/or experienced paranormal activity first-hand’. The overwhelming majority reported that they felt paranormal activity was ‘normal’ on a ‘day-to-day’ basis within schoolgrounds.This survey has received some backlash by staff, echoing last month’s address from Principal Ishiyama discouraging the ‘spreading of the misconception of paranormal activity and culture in the school’. But Casper High’s ghost culture remains prevalent and distinctive amongst the student body.CaspAir radio host, Angel Blake, who fronts the school’s radio station broadcast, says that though Principal Ishiyama’s warning has made students hesitate for a bit, the school’s ghost culture won’t neccesarily disappear at any given time.“Yeah, I’ve had to say things like ‘Oh, whatever that means’ whenever I talk about ghost things live on air just in case teachers find the station but in the school that’s basically like an inside joke. Everyone knows what that means. Let ghosts haunt this school in peace.”
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School Council vs. Teacher's Lounge
Battling Budget
Strategising the battlegrounds during last year’s board meetings, former Casper High Student Council president Jazz Fenton surged forward on stage during council proposals to put forward her next plan of action: building gender neutral bathrooms by the next year.The challenge is daunting. Renovations are unlikely as ever to be any quick ordeal and the proposal was announced during the peak of exams. Fenton had her SAT the same week. She was starting a battle that she would not be there to finish.That’s why battons get passed on and Fenton was nothing if not dedicated to her legacy in Casper High. Today, the student council continues to persue the goal even as Jazz has whisked away to collegiate dreams.However, when discussing the news about the recent budget cuts, she’s not entirely surprised.“The budget cuts is not very new,” she sighs on the phone, “The gender neutral bathrooms have actually been supported by a majority of the student body since its proposal, it’s just the execution and the organisation into actually building them that’s halting everything.”
Fenton states that gender neutral bathrooms have been asked for by students as a new and safe space for them. She emphasizes a particular point of looking out for younger students; “They need it.”She says though she respects ‘a majority of the teaching staff’, it is due to the lack of organisation and priority given to the project that causes several budget cuts and delays over the month. The overall consensus of the student body indeeds tips in the favour of gender neutral bathrooms but as delays continue, support and interest may wane.The battle for the budget gets tossed around; vice principal, Mr Lancer, has issued a statement in the latest board meetings stating that the Teacher’s Lounge Coffee Machine was not purchased as an act by the staff against the gender neutral toilets but a matter of dispersion within the school’s faculty funding for facilities; “It’s just bad timing, I think. I can see where it would look bad.But many are unimpressed by the level of disorganisation wi-Continued on Page A20
Vegan Options in Cafeteria in Absolute Dire Need of Spices:
'I hate it here'
HOME ECONOMICS—What the hell does an ultra-recyclo-vegetarian gotta do around this place to get some paprika in a patty made out of mushrooms? Forget the Teacher’s Lounge Coffee Machine, this is what we are truly haunted by.While legislatures and some schools have started to somewhat recognize the importance of meat-free options as a part of school lunches on the Healthy Lunch Act, Michelle Obama hasn’t taken into account the soullessness of the vegan burgers.The School Nutrition Association has released multiple studies bragging about the statistics of things like ‘63.9% of schools offering vegetarian school lunch on a consistent basis’ or ’20.5% vegan options’. All these salad bars and Meatless Mondays. All these facts about childhood obesity and substantially lower rates of cardio-vascular disease.Yeah, I may potentially have lower rates of cardio-vascular disease, but I also now have lower rates of joy.The astounding consensus from governments and adults about school lunch is all about nutritional standards and providing lunch to kids as if food was just statistics on paper; simply throw in a vegetable in there to count as a proof of a job well done. Counting it as some shiny number and evidence of efficacy. Consumption doesn’t mean enjoyment and plate waste is a huge problem right now.Why is providing kids a healthy meal without ever actually caring for their ‘health’ and what causes them to gain stuff like childhood obesity or healthcare for things like cardio-vascular disease the hottest new thing anyway?God please show our kitchen staff some turmeric..Continued on Page A4
No School For Ember Concert
CHOIR—You might remember a few years ago the disaster that was the ill-timed tests during the concert dates of Ember McLain’s tour. We cannot let history repeat itself with this year’s concert dates, scheduled to be during a Thursday night next month when she stops over Amity Park.On the 22th, the Ember McLain fanclub will be up in arms during afternoon lunch protests by the cafeteria seaking a No School Day for her concert.The student body has to take into the account the spiritual and mental journey needed in preparation for the concert. The Choir Club opened up vocal warmup sessions specifically in preparation for her fanchant. We implore the school reconsider-Continued on Page A2
CAUTION: Cursed Cappucino
BIOLOGY — The culprit for Mr. Lancer’s latest trip to the school infirmary last week has been reported to be a single cup of cappucino made in the Teacher’s Lounge Coffee Machine. All students and stafff are currently advised against carrying all coffee related products and beverages within schoolgrounds on the basis of the Haunting potentially extending or contaminating caffeine related products.Some students have voiced disagreements, stating that the Haunting was clearly aimed towards teachers only.Amongst the most vocal is Paulina Sanchez; ‘The ghosts didn’t haunt my caramel macchiato! This is ridiculous.”Continued on Page A3
Why We Need a Footballers' Debate Club. Seriously.
PHYSICAL EDUCATION—Jocks need to channel their energy and internal rage and unresolved emotional issues into something other than godforsaen dodgeball and literally everyone else. I am no longer haunted by them, I am concerned. You can even say at this point I want to do the haunting. It is payback time.Why are you, as a man, wearing a letterman jacket without knowing how to write a proper letter? No letter = no man. Start reading.Debate for jocks can be a heathy outlet of critical thinking and anger. The faculty of Physical Education and Sports in the school should consider the sanity and performance of their players hangs in the balance of them talking out issues in one way or another.Or maybe not. Maybe it can completely backfire and the jocks end up physically fighting even during debate. But listen, at least it keeps them busy in the meantime.I fear that it’s true that we can’t live in a jockless society. But that means we just have to live and tolerate and manipulate them into some character development for now. A Footballers’ Debate club is that opportunity and frankly holds all the potential to be that space for them to figure whatever the hell is going on inside their souls.Don’t know if it’s just me but I am sick of waiting for their souls to get healed through either me or dodgeball.Jocks need to heal amongst themselves. They need to argue and resolve their issues somehow. Or so God help me the Boys’ Locker room will get haunted again.Also, speaking of souls. The entirety of the football club need therapy. The school has spent so much of the school’s budget on sports in general and none of that even goes to the actual sanity of their players who take it out on everyone else.I wake up to get to this goddamned school every morning and there is only so much Mariah Mondays that can cheer me up before some random football player’s unhealed soul starts getting into some argument with literally anybody at 7 in the morning. Seriously people, what is happening? It is 7 in the morning.At that hour, we are all suppose to be reading Hamlet or something and I hate that play but it’s the equivalent of a Thai massage in comparison to wha-Continued on Page A6
STOP LEAVING YOUR DAMN FOOD AT CCF As always folks, the weekly Carspot Crisis on Friday will be underway. A reminder for anyone in the betting pool to withhold your cash only until AFTER a fight between Baxter and Fenton starts. As you all know, an argument is NOT guaranteed, but LIKELY. A reminder to also throw out your remaining food or drinks out after the event. We have been having issues the past few weeks with people leaving their trash behind! ALSO, don’t just SHOW UP to the event! Make sure to RSVP as we have limited seats available to watch the fight and people have been getting into arguments over seatings so PLEASE contact Tucker Foley to RSVP. Caprisuns available for $1.50, first come first served. Guys, remember your damn manners; be quiet for the entirety of the fight; hold applause until the end, etc. etc. Also make sure to go to the toilets BEFORE CCF as it averages at between 30 minutes to 2 hours.LOST BINDER IN BOYS’ LOCKER ROOM I forgot and lost my binder last week on Friday. If has anyone found it, please post your contact at Locker 666. REWARD: Jolly Rancher.CANCEL CCF NEXT WEEK Hey can anyone from either Baxter or Fenton’s circles please let them know to avoid CCF next week? There’s a biology test happening near the end of the day next week for everyone at Class 12C and we just wanna go home after that.STOP MARIAH MONDAY IN DECEMBER Can the folks at 66.6 please not do Mariah Mondays on Christmas. We all know why. Also is anyone selling any tickets for Ember. Do NOT scalp me.CHOIR CLUB PLEASE SHUT UP FOR A MOMENT I cannot study for even ONE moment with ‘EMBER! MCLAIN’ sung over and over again like it’s church on a Tuesday.Continued on Page A7